Thursday, February 19, 2009

Skynet is Coming!

We have word that government officials are discussing the potential disaster of robots used in the military of turning on their makers, Terminator-style.

To this, I can only roll my eyes. People out there have way too much imagination on this kind of thing. Let me ask a question:

If I presented you with a robot that I had programmed, and I said I knew so little about how its programming would manifest, would you buy that robot from me?

I'm sorry, but these things do what we program them to do. They can only operated within the parameters of their codes. If they "turn" on their makers, it is because someone other botched his share of the programming. There will be no sentient maliciousness towards any robot "attacks" on their creators. Accidents, maybe; Terminator-style scenarios? Not in our dreams.

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